Traditional Online Customer Contract Traditional Online Customer Contract 2022 Sponsor InformationPlease enter your information below.Sponsor/Chairperson* First Last Phone*Email* President Name First Last President PhonePresident Email Treasurer First Last Treasurer PhoneTreasurer Email School InformationPlease enter your information below.School Name*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Principal First Last PhoneFaxShop DatesSchool EnrollmentCountyShop DetailsPlease enter your information below.Shop Paid By PTA PTO ISD/District Other (Please list below) OtherDesired Profit 0% 10% 20% Peppermint Village Gift Shop does not suggest this as a fundraiser but rather as a community service project. ITEMS AND PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.Contract Term and ConditionsContract Terms and Conditions*We Will Provide: 1. A selection of gift items for children to purchase. 2. Gift bags, posters, carry home bags, and tablecloths. 3. Announcement flyers for each child to take home. 4. Money envelope for each child to take home. 5. Sponsor Guide Book. 6. Packlist and Tent Price Cards. 7. Preprogrammed Cash Register. We Will: 1. Deliver/ship the merchandise free, during our designated delivery date to your area. 2. Daily reorders. We cannot guarantee 100% on the restocking of items. 3. Take back ALL unsold and unmarked merchandise. 4. Provide free return shipping of all unsold merchandise. There are no cancellation penalties due to a pandemic. Otherwise, failure to cancel this program before October 1st or failure to run the shop after receipt of merchandise will result in a $500 restocking fee. Tent price cards will be provided to match your profit (and sales tax where applicable) for our no inventory program. You Agree: 1. To run the shop for a minimum of 3 full days. Before school, after school, and/lunches do not qualify as full days. 2. To sell no other commercial merchandise with Peppermint Village Gift Shop. There will be a $500 fine accessed if this occurs. 3. To not mark on or put price stickers on any merchandise. 4. To supply tables to display merchandise. 5. To provide volunteers for the shop. 6. To re-box and pack tightly all merchandise on the last day of the shop. 7. To return all products, unused promotional supplies, paper products, and bags using our labels. There will be a 10% restocking fee on all returns after January 15th 8. To pay sales tax charged. (When applicable) 9. To keep up with all funds collected DAILY using the Daily Sales Record. And, using that record to complete your school's Account Summary Invoice. 10. Send payment postmarked within 3 days after the shop closes. 11. To pay 1.5 percent interest compounded monthly for payments made after the 3-day payment due date 12. All payments received after January 15th will result in a loss of discounts. 13. Net sales amount must be a minimum of $2,300 to receive bonus discounts. 14. Reward Points accumulate & carry over consecutively until redeemed. 15. Reward Points can be redeemed in April and/or October of any current customer year.I agree (If chosen, this constitutes a binding contract)I do not agreeI have previously run a holiday shop (please select one): Yes No Amount Paid to Previous VendorNumber of days the previous shop was runSignatureSignature*I have read and understand this agreement and am an authorized agent for this organization.Title*Date* Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY Phone* Note:*** All shops come with a preprogrammed cash register. ***Comments or Questions. (List bonuses here) Δ